Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Okay, okay, I’m NOT going to give up writing!

Okay, okay, I’m NOT going to give up writing! I was about to retire. Throw in the pen. Turn my back on my muse. I cannot find anything interesting to write about except breakups, heart ache, and moving on. The routine is getting pathetic.

I've had a lot of trouble writing. I can honestly say that other than the occasional ranting blog, I haven't done any real writing in months, but that all came to an end tonight. After missing for over a year I decided to start blogging again.

Much has changed. Here are a few:
1. I am no longer a phone slave that takes zillion of phone calls in the evening.
2. Finally I have a real job, that lets me have lunch at 12 noon.
3. My job lets me travel, been to 7 countries in the span of two years, I would say lucky me.
4. I finally got my dream ride. A 1969 Yellow Brazilian VW Beetle.
5. And yet another breakup.

I am happy despite all the good and bad times, I still have this getaway place to be with myself.

So this means you will be hearing from me more often from hereon.

Cheers to us!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And suddenly...

Love is a tough business

Imagine yourself finding that special man who complements you in every way and you find yourself falling so fast, so head over heels over this person that life becomes the proverbial blur.

But…and there’s a big but, you start to notice a few quirks here and there. Later, these little quirks turn into full blown objects of contention and you wonder, why, where and how did you ever not see this coming.

And the truth is, it just happens and while there are those times when you want to work and fight for your relationship, sometimes, we just have to simply acknowledge the fact that not all relationships are meant to work out.

I don't know what's it's going to take for me to snap out of it. I'm exhausted right now.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Are you still in love with your x?

A friend forwarded a quiz in facebook and got amazed with the result.

It says ... You are moving on but you have not let go completely. Although you have seen other people and and flings have come and gone you still have a spot in you heart for your first love you probably still have the photos of you together and he/she is still the one you think of when your alone and just about to go to sleep wishing you had some one there. Like i say the best way to get over one person is to get under another.

Hate to say it, but i think it is true. It is scary because I am starting to see this wonderful guy that I have a crush on since I can remember. I think i should pull the plugs off for now? I am not sure I am ready to plunge again. Let alone fool myself.

Crossing my fingers until I go home to Cebu. (blogging from Dongguan China).

Friday, August 22, 2008

With you, with you, with you.

Why is it, which I find completely amazing, how one person can change a life? How one person can turn your entire world upside down and inside out, turn it on it's ear and make you wonder how everything that you have set up to yourself is so close to nothing because you are alone. How one person can pose such a simple idea and have that idea be earth shattering and ground breaking that you wonder how pathetic your life now and makes you want to pack your things up and start anew with that person. Why is that?

Why is one moment, thought, feeling, glance of him, is never enough without him? How even the "hi" seem to make time stop and never wanting to let the conversation end, no goodbye. That you seem to know more, see more, feel more, understand more than in an entire life time. Why is it that, when you have forgotten something that you thought was so unforgettable, you remember it like it just happened and you don't want to leave that thought. Even though you know that everything with him is a mere, you take chances like it is suppose to happen for real? Why is that?

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Going to Dubai City was an interesting experience, because this city offers a kaleidoscope of attractions for visitors.

I landed in Dubai early dawn. I stayed near the World Trade. This was a great location since I found out there are really two distinct areas of Dubai. The city center is where all of the old buildings, culture, and markets reside. Outside this area, nothing is older than ten years and they don't seem to be slowing down the building frenzy anytime soon. While in Dubai, I quickly learned that the city is addicted to luxury and nothing there is cheap.

The first morning, I explored the city center and the markets to get my fill of culture and sufficiently satisfy the nerd in me. It was cool walking through the city and witness the call to prayer come over the loud speaker six times a day, it was really a culture shock for me.

One of the most amazing experiences is Ski Dubai, a ski resort of 2 slopes in the Mall of Emirates Ski Dubai is the most captivating contrast: imagine yourself coming from the outside with temperature of 40 degres and then changing, put on your skis and taking the lift…a total amazing immersion in a fake world…Ski Dubai may be controversial, crazy, sick, whatever….it is definitely a HOT VENUE!

In all, Dubai was a great experience, but a little strange. They have so much money they don't know what to do with it. Already they have plans to build a much larger mall around the Burj Dubai, which is planned to be the tallest building in the world (with provisions that allow additional floors if some other country tries to build a taller monstrosity). I don't think I could live there, but it's definitely worth checking out for a few days, especially if money is burning a hole in your pocket.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

being a shithead


work is the pits. the last two days i felt like i was having a nervous breakdown already. know what it's like to feel like that and end up picking a fight with someone dear to you? well, i did. i picked a fight and did it most unreasonably.

stupid stupid stupid.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

french connection


we are not learning french today, however, to some degree i feel a curious sense of being related to the french life and culture. maybe not related, but having something in common.

life and culture never cease to amaze me. my imaginary life, for example, is set in provence (south of france). where i will wake up when i want to, be forever clad only in bikinis and thin caftan. my waist-length hair flowing freely in the southern breeze and my skin always with a golden glow to it... meals of exquisite salads and steaks, tons of wine, fruits and unadulterated smooching. *impish grin*

there is no such thing as work. if i could do away with the internet, television and the telephone, there'd be none. but alas, even in this dream, i have to be practical. i have to have these mediums in order to connect with the rest of the globe, but only when i want to... i live in a vineyard. an apothecary on the side. *wink*

no neighbors.

aaah life... broad daylight dreaming ...

au revoir...