Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do?

What is it that attracts us to people who are less than acceptable? Have we all really fallen for the fairy tale that we can turn the bad boy in to the loving and devoted boyfriend of the year? While there is something satisfying about thinking that someone could love us so much they would change for us, do we deserve the punishment that we endure while trying?

I can't even begin to count the number of times my friends have complained that there are no nice guys. Everytime we think we find one he turns out to be a phony. We've put in all of this effort and devotion to this person who turns out to be someone completely different than we thought. Then we look at other people's seemingly healthy relationships and we wonder where she found such a nice guy. We know that they're out there somewhere but we just don't know the secret knock to open the door to the castle Prince Charming is hidden in.

So we settle. We settle for the guy who is constantly checking out other women when he's with us or breaking dates at the last minute. We keep trying to get the guy who's girlfriend is cheating on him to see how much better we would treat him. We keep hoping that somehow the frog will turn in to a prince because we know where the frogs are already.

Even more simplistic, some of us are just terrified of rejection. We fear something inside of ourselves that leads us to believe that Mr Wonderful wouldn't feel the same way about us. We go for the jerks because we don't think that we can do any better and it's better to have someone less than perfect than to have no one at all. We figure that if he decides to leave us one day for a girl with a bigger chest that we really haven't lost much anyway.

It's quite possible that we all have different reasons for falling for the bad boys. Whether we think we can change them, we think it's all that we deserve or we're just sick of searching, the truth is we've all been there. We've all settled for someone who's treated us poorly and we've all wondered why other people are doing the same thing. Maybe we're all going to be a bad girlfriend or boyfriend until we find that right person who makes us see things differently. Aren't we all just playing the game until a worthy opponent comes along and we're forced to throw the rules out the window and look at everything differently?


Blogger rmacapobre said...

sometimes we feel incomplete. we think that we can only be complete if we were in a relationship. i do not believe this to be true ..

6:43 PM  

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