Friday, September 29, 2006

Is timing really everything?

We all have different agendas in life. Some of us are looking for the perfect career to make our mark in the world. Others are looking for love; inconvenient, consuming, love. Do we have to choose or is it possible for us to have it all?

We are living in a society that measures our success on the size of our bank account and the car that we drive. (In that context, I am incredibly unsuccessful!). It's no longer good enough for us to go to college, do well, and graduate in order to acquire these things. Now we need MBA's or PhD's and even more importantly than the degree we hang on our wall is our networking. It will always be true, in any business, that who you know is more important than what you know.

So, it's no surprise that we dedicate countless hours in our lives and a good deal of money to this art of "schmoozing". We've learned the places we need to appear and the appropriate things to say to get us where we want to be in the business world. But when we reach this level of "success" that we are striving for, will we feel satisfied even if we have no one to share it with?

Isn't it true that the nature of relationships is the same, whether it's a business or a personal relationship? It's all about connecting on some common ground. So if we've mastered the skills that we need to get ahead in our professional lives why aren't we putting in the same time, effort and skills to fulfill our personal lives?

There is so much emphasis in the world today about time management and we use our planners and PDA's to schedule our lives out in order to make sure we complete everything. If we have become time management experts why haven't we figured out a way to balance our business relationships and personal relationships so that we have enough time for both?

It's so easy for us to put people and relationships off because it just isn't the right time in our lives. Whether we are developing a new career, working towards a promotion or simply not yet over a past relationship, there will never really be good timing to build the foundation for a successful personal relationship. But was love ever meant to be convenient or is it possible that people come into our lives when we need them the most?

While not every person we meet is going to be our possible life-mate, if we think back to the circumstances that we met, there is a good chance that our lives were drastically affected. Maybe this person came into our lives just when we were about to propose to the wrong person. Or perhaps he helped us to finally move on from a breakup that was consuming our lives. So many people influence our lives in such profound ways, we just aren't paying attention.

When it comes time to take the plunge into a new opportunity, whether it's a business venture or a possible new relationship, are we ever really ready to take that next step and take a risk? Will we ever really be sure that we've met Mr Right? In business and in love there is one thing that is always certain: there is no certainty. The rug can get pulled out from under your feet at any given moment or just when you least expect it, perfection can knock on your door. Perhaps, at the moment, we are focused on our own development and aren't even entertaining the idea of setting aside time and energy for someone else. But maybe there is a stronger force involved and the timing is actually perfect, we just can't see it yet. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith.


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