Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I came across an interesting site forum with a topic that caught my attention. Topic: L-O-V-E-M-A-K-I-N-G (phew!). One of the post said something like ...the problem with love is that people stopped making love, too busy trying to stick to everything moving.

Lovemaking is a forgotten art and it is an experience many people never get to understand or live to speak about.

Most people settle for easy f*** like marathon to see who finishes first and forgeting about the journey to get their. I think its the most selfish act any two people can perform together. And when it's over, will it be remembered next week? Next month? Or the same emptiness?

Lovemaking is the ultimate act of selflessness and in that intimate space two people communicate in ways the mind cannot fathom, and only can be shared in that intimate space saturated by love... a conversation without words spoken with the eloquence of scholars, using words Webster has yet to utter. Emotions and dreams shared without a sound; where old pains become new joys, old woulds are healed, and innocence is renewed. "

With love lost and won everyday, the goal remains the same- to love and be loved.


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