Monday, June 05, 2006

Confessions of a broken heart

There are few things in life that are harder on a person than the time when they realize that the love they have worked so hard at, and spent so much time on, is about to be over.

I want you to know that I do not feel good about myself or happy with what I just said. To be honest, I would much be rather writing about you and I and how wonderful and fulfilling things have been between us ever since the day we met.

I wish somebody could explain to me why our destiny is so cruel. But much as I would like such an explanation that alone would not be enough to ease the pain of your absence, to suppress this sadness I have in my heart and which you can see reflected in my eyes.

You are just there... a ride, txt and phonecall away but you seem so far, so out of reach. The distance is unberable because I not only miss you but I also wonder if you are doing well, if you and if your mind and soul are at peace. I´m also curious to know if you think of me in the same way I think of you, which is just about every single minute and second that goes by (and the clock ticks so slowly when we´re not together!). I want to call you so badly. I want to hear your voice so much. Would I be disturbing you? Would I be distracting you? Would I be disrupting the time and space you've asked me to give? I want to be with you and make you realize that my affection goes far beyond the words I´m writing to you now.

I am missing you more and more and I start getting worried as I stare at the door just waiting for you to surprise me with your arrival at any moment. Sweet delusion... you are so far away right now that all I can ask for is that time moves faster...

No matter what happens and how long we will still have to be apart, you will always be in my heart. But I had to write to you today and, in a way, try to sooth this feeling that took over me so strongly!

A sad kiss...


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