Tuesday, February 06, 2007

No Valentine for you?

Roses are red, violets are blue. Another Valentine's Day but no valentine for you?

If this holiday for a "honey" has you down because no one is sending you hearts or flowers, you may be wondering why you haven't been struck by Cupid's arrow.

You've studied relationship books and tried social clubs, gym classes, and dance lessons. Or maybe you've even ventured on blind dates arranged by your friends. Are you looking for love in the wrong places?

Actually, I think looking is the problem, no matter where. It just makes us look desperate, and that's one of the top five ways to send a romantic prospect running in the other direction. Another problem with "looking," is that it can become an all-consuming passion that can drive you nuts!

Find someone without looking

Then you'll whine, how can I meet someone if I stay at home curled up on the couch in my fuzzy slippers watching TV?

As one single put it, "I look at dating as if I want to buy a new car. I have to go look for one. How will anyone know I need a new car unless I tell them?"

Dating 101 says: "You don't go out dating-shopping like you'd buy a car. You go out living. You do stuff you love to do, and, in the process, you will meet other people who love to do the same."

In other words, get out there. But don't go out JUST to meet someone, go out because you love hanging out with your friends, or dancing, or listening to jazz, or taking classes.

Live life to the fullest!


Blogger rmacapobre said...

incidentally the feb 14/15 was originally a pagan and roman holiday. and then some pope wanting to christianize pagan traditions, decided to celebrate valentines on the same day.

11:45 AM  

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