Tuesday, May 23, 2006

How Jealous Are You?

Is a little jealousy healthy for a relationship, or is it a recipe for disaster? If you think it's healthy, how much of it is ok before it becomes a problem?

Most books would say that no amount of jealousy is healthy! It's one of the most destructive emotions in a relationship. It means: 1) There's a lack of trust in the relationship. 2) The jealous one doesn't feel worthy of being loved, or doesn't accept the love of the other. If either of the above are true, the relationship will be unbalanced -- and eventually, it will self=destruct.

But for me being jealous sparks passion and romance. It shows that you care and don't want to lose your lover. Basically, a little jealousy can go a long way towards making a relationship a healthy one -- but how little is 'little'?

I took a jealousy quiz to find out how mean my green streak really is... and the results states:

Super Ego
You're far too confident and self-assured to bother fussing, fretting or fuming over other people's fortunes or foibles. Because you're okay with you, you don't waste time or Tums mistrusting your nearest and dearest or toting up their wins to your losses every time they score. Since you act with taste and good grace, friends, family, lovers and coworkers probably live up to your trust and appreciate your toasts. No green rages or purple paranoia for you as you walk through life content with your bounty -- and secure you can hold onto it.


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