Monday, April 16, 2007

subatomiclevel - fact or fiction?

Did you ever wake up one day and realized that something was just not quite right with the world??? You looked out the window expecting to see it raining, but the sun was shining - so that wasn't it. You went to take a shower and figured.

At first, I was kinda bothered with the situation of " You don't know me but I know you. I know lots about you... "

If you are reading this, congratulations, you are continuing to do a great job. The fact that you found all my works online only means that you have invested a great deal of your time and effort in knowing me. I am flattered and equally impressed. When we first talked, I thought my one of my friends was playing a practical joke on me, and then I realized that you are real, and I don't have a clue of who you were.

For now, I am happy of how things are. I am thrilled, the feeling of
sudden strong glowing, tingling or throbbing sensation, especially of excitement of somehow knowing somebody i completely dont know (do i make sense?). The mystery of your identity is my challenge now.

But don't blame me if curiosity eats me up and provokes me to ask you out. As early as now, I'm already wondering what it would be like talking to you in person, laughing out load with you, and wondering if you'll enjoy siomai as much as I do (^^).

Believe me, it is no easy feat. It's up there along with one of Hercules' ten tasks. In this day and age, will a self-respecting girl like me has the time or patience to play sheep-eyes for weeks while waiting for you to ‘get it’? It’s so fifties (not in a good way- ---I am assuming I can handle all these of course! ) .

For the meantime, I will try to study and master Dating 101 especially on the chapter on How to Ask a Guy out and, hoping to become a super-suave maestro ready to rival Cleopatra when that time comes!

The things worth having in life don't come easy. Sometimes, you really have to struggle for them. And the first step you can take starts with a simple "Hi, I think you're pretty cool. Will you go out with me?"