Thursday, March 15, 2007

Shit Happens.

Ever felt like your ex-bf stole something of the person you used to be, pre him? During a relationship you often invest so much that when it ends, it's no wonder it can take sometime to feel like yourself again.

But luckily I have andrei, james, minds, and max get me through the trauma that can result from a bitter bust-up and ensure I emerge with my dignity intact and no criminal prosecutions to my name.

I just found out my man’s been doing the dirty on me. I feel like crap. I'm hurt, I'm humiliated and I'm so damn angry it’s consuming me.

While getting him back seems like the best idea to get myself on track, I’ll probably just end up making things worse for myself.

Below are some of the things I may feel like doing. Got some pretty convincing arguments as to why I shouldn’t and, even better, I’ve come up with alternatives which won’t end up making me look like the fool.

What I want to do: Pour out my heart to him in a 10 page letter detailing all the hurts and injustices I suffered throughout the relationship and the sacrifices I made for him.
Why you shouldn’t: Once that letter is out there I have no control over it and I can’t get it back – I asked myself: do I really want his new woman sniggering over my feelings?
What you should do instead: By all means I will write a letter, it’s one of the most therapeutic things I can do. Take as long as I need on it and get everything down on paper. But I WILL NOT, under any circumstances, let it leave my room. I will - Lock it away, burn it, stuff it under my bed or give it to my bestfriends to look after.

What you want to do: Call/text/turn up at his pad after several bottles of booze.
Why you shouldn’t do it: One word – dignity. I’d probably like to still have some of it the next day when I wake up needing to puke with mascara down to my chin.
What you should do instead: There’s no easy fix for this one, although getting someone else to hold on to my cellphone is a good start. I could always go home with someone else to keep myself distracted, BUT a one-night stand isn’t my thing so I'll just write the word “Dignity” on my hand in vivid and hope it triggers a response in my booze-fuddled brain.

What you want to do: Be his friend and maintain the same connection that you once had.
Why you shouldn’t do it: Because no matter how much it seems like a good idea at the time, I guess this technique invariably ends in tears. Feelings get in the way and are easily misinterpreted.
What you should do instead: Be civil if I have to be in contact, but otherwise I'd stay away. I'll change mobile number, even maybe look for a new place. I'll give it time to let the dust settle and the feelings die down.


Blogger rmacapobre said...

i am almost sure that there is something to be learned from this experience.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:11 PM  

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